The most effective organic acaricide
Totally organic varroa control
Organic external antiparasitic
Thymol, a natural component of thyme essential oil (Thymus vulgaris), has been one of the most studied essential oils because of its marked acaricidal effect, its organic nature and high Efficacy. Of simple application, Naturalvar represents the most intelligent option for the prevention of the development of resistance to synthetic acaricides or the organic control of mites in their hives.
Product composition:
Each 100 g. contains: |
Thymol |
48,7 g |
Excipients qs |
100 g |

4 tablets pouch

Naturalvar's accumulated efficiency. Network of trials (INTA-PROAPI / APILAB).
Beehives of 6 to 10 squares with bees:
Healing treatment: 4 tablets. Place 2 tablets for each application, repeat the same schedule at 15 days. Preventive treatment: 2 tablets in single application.
Nuclei with 3 to 5 frames bees:
Healing treatment: 2 tablets. Place 1 tablet and repeat the same schedule at 15 days.
Preventive treatment: 1 tablet in single application